Thursday, July 19, 2007

My two little buddies

I definitely do not have a green thumb, but apparently my children do. Kyla's gardening project for this summer was to try and grow carrots. I wasn't sure how well they would do in sand, but we mixed in a bag of potting soil and.....voila! Kyla was pretty proud of her carrots, and they were actually quite tasty! We were also able to have a handful of sugar snap peas with dinner the other night from our makeshift garden.

Brandon has been away for a couple of weeks, and sometimes those separations can make Casey a little sad and clingy. To cheer him up one night and help him sleep, I told him that when I get lonely for daddy and can't sleep, I close my eyes and imagine disco ducks jumping over a fence (my little version of counting sheep). You see, Brandon's new fantasy football name for this year is "Disco Ducks". Not only does this name make us laugh, but it also helps us think about dad while he's gone. It kind of turned from a funny idea to a private joke between Casey and I. We laugh everytime we see or hear anything about disco or ducks now. This is a picture of Casey in his bubbly "disco hair".

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