Sunday, November 29, 2009


Our family has been incredibly blessed this year in many ways, and I am very thankful for these blessings. I am thankful for our new home, a good new job that helps support my family, great children that never cease to amaze me, and a husband that I couldn't imagine going through life without.....oh yeah, and Charlie. :) Unfortunately, we found out recently that Brandon will be deploying to Iraq for a year next March......maybe that's why I'm feeling so sappy! We ask for prayers as we work through this challenge and also prayers for Brandon's safety.
Kyla and Casey have been growing and changing in many ways this past year. They have stepped up to become more active members in decision making and taking care of the house. They are responsible and amazing. I am thankful beyond words for these two wonderful people.

Adding to the list of things I'm thankful for is my extended family. I have two wonderful parents and 3 brothers that I love dearly. My parents in-law are and have always been great friends to me. I am also thankful for the brother-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law that I consider my siblings. I am also blessed to be the aunt of 2 nephews and a niece.....I can't imagine life before they were here! Unfortunately, we don't get to see all of our family each holiday, as we are spread so far out, but we were able to spend some quality time with the Owens side of the family this week during Thanksgiving. Unfortunately I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but here are few.

Brandon and his dad, Will. Two peas in a pod.

Despite the age gap, the kids always find a way to have fun together. This is Kyla, Casey, and Sophia dressing up.

We had a nice visit from Brandon's cousins, aunt & uncle, and grandma as well. Everyone brought a dog and Casey and Sophia kept charge of them. I think there were 5, but I lost count after 4.

Charlie and best friends.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Kyla turned 15 this week, and I can barely believe how quickly the time has passed. We had cake and presents on her actual birthday, and went to St. Louis to celebrate further this past weekend.
Walking Charlie downtown St. Louis before the big night out.

This is a cool view of the arch from our hotel. Casey was a gorilla and Kyla was a Japanese anime character that she made up herself.

Outside of TGI Fridays where we had dinner.

We went to the St. Louis City Museum, and it was about the strangest and coolest place I've ever been.
This is an indoor skatepark, but there were no skateboards. Instead, you swung on ropes, explored tunnels under the ramps, and slid down them.

This place was a series of underground and above ground wire tunnels and tubes. This is Brandon squeezing through one of the tubes, and this was not the tightest one! Some of the tubes went high into the sky over the parking lot and others went down underground.

We had a wonderful weekend....thanks Kyla for picking a great place to spend your birthday!