Wednesday, May 26, 2010

god's grace

i don't know why i've been putting it off, but it's been a really long time since i updated the blog. i guess maybe i don't want to be reminded of the past couple of months. brandon left for ft. hood, then iraq mid-march. this isn't our first separation by any means, but is by far proving to be the most difficult. i can't really describe the feeling of having to say goodbye to your best friend, knowing you will have to live without him for an entire year. that feels unbearably long.
support came in a hurry and we were blessed by many visits from the people we love. my mom actually left her job twice to come out and help us through the most difficult transition.

my brother, dustin, came out and we've also been able to meet him in st. louis for some fun as well.

my wonderful mother-in-law also came down several times in the last couple of months to help us out for different reasons, and even brought the old man with her once to help mow the yard and do some other things around the house.

my adorable nephew jackson, my brother pete, and sister-in-law jenny were also much welcome visitors to our home. unfortunately, an unexpected surgery caused me to miss a visit up to see my newly born nephew, jordan. that problem will be rectified asap!!

with the help of my mom and mother-in-law, i was able to fly out and see brandon in texas one final time before he flew to iraq. very bittersweet to see him and be with him, but have to say goodbye yet again.
i want to thank not only the wonderful family that has been to the house, but all of the friends and family that have supported and continue to support our family from near and far. we are making steps in the right direction with god's help and i know he has a wonderful plan in mind for my family.......i started to doubt it when i continued to struggle with panic attacks, continued back problems, a badly broken finger, and backing our new aspen into a telephone pole, but god is good and has humbled me and taught me many lessons through these trials.

i am blessed beyond words for two children that love me despite my many flaws and help me daily to reach a place of peace and contentment. i'm not there yet, but i know i'll get there. maybe it will take a year to get there, but i trust in god to care for brandon overseas and care for us at home. i know i can do all things through christ who strenghthens me.