Monday, October 06, 2008

Grandma's here!

Brandon's mom came to town last Friday for a week of fun. We are really enjoying our visit. This is only day 3, so there are sure to be more pictures to come! These are a few photos of us enjoying Lover's Point and Asilomar beaches.

I like searching the tide pools for something interesting.

Yep, I found my treasure for the day.....a dead crab. At least it didn't pinch me.

King of the mountain....I mean, the rock.

Kyla enjoying the peaceful sound of the waves from a ledge that is much too high for my liking!

Who can throw a rock farther....Casey or grandma? Who's that bum in the background?


Ann said...

I LOVE the pictures, I miss Monterey!

Karen M. said...

How fun for all of you, Tell Linda hi for us, at last we will get to see them again since you will be living out Missouri way and Pete too.