Monday, August 04, 2008

First day of school

Here are my babies off to their first days of 8th and 5th grades. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday that.........
.....well, you get the picture. Some things never change. ;)

I think I really do still see them this way! It's hard to let them grow up, but I'm reminded every day of how independent and mature they are becoming right before my eyes!

Kyla loved her first day of 8th grade. She was really itching to get back. She is very excited to be one of the oldest kids in school. Kyla got to have lunch with some of her old friends from last year and you all can look forward to more pictures of her next dive in Monterey Bay in a couple of weeks!

Casey was not quite as enthusiastic as Kyla to start school back up, however, it didn't take him long to make a new friend and bond with his teacher, and he literally ran into my classroom after school full of stories and excitement for his new class!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Ok, I love those first two pictures . . . how funny!! I'm glad they got both got off to a good start. I can't believe how old they are. Give them both a kiss from me!