Thursday, July 13, 2006

My Friend is Movies

After a fun-filled week of hiking, biking, a visit to the Museum of Natural History, practicing Spanish, and exploring various parks and beaches, I was feeling like a pretty good mom. That is.....until our weekly visit to the "Poetry and Art Club" put on by the city of Pacific Grove. Having to practically drag Casey to a poetry club should have been a warning sign. He got even with me. The assignment was to write a creative piece about your best friend. After an hour of creative time to write and draw, my dear, precious child proudly walked to the front of the room to read his poem to the class.

"My friend is movies.
I like to watch movies.
I am lazy and watch movies.
When I get home, I will watch more movies.
I will watch more than four movies.
I like movies of any kind.
I really like Walt Disney movies.
By: Casey"

I shouldn't complain.....the boy comes by it naturally. At least he drew a picture of a seal. Maybe he did learn something at the museum after all.

The next day, we visited the Asilomar State Beach, which is one of our new favorite places. You can investigate the seals, crabs, starfish, and other marine life on the rocky beach, then walk on the boardwalk over to the sandy beach area to wade and watch the surfers. We love this place.


Sheryl said...

Travis and I laughed out loud at Casey's poem. It was great, Casey! I love the pictures of the beach, too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! I'm glad you guys are loving your new surroundings! You guys look great!

