Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Updates

The Christmas Cards are in the mail and I included a note in them to check our site to see what's new with us instead of writing a Christmas letter. So, I thought I would take this time to update everyone on each of us.


Casey is in the third grade and he loves to play video games on the X-Box and computer. He also loves going to the rocky beaches and exploring while climbing on the rock formations. Casey has started to notice girls and often comes home with a note from girls in his class with their phone numbers, which he proudly shows off, but is too nervous to actually call the girls. "Maybe I will just tell them I lost it, so they don't feel bad," he says.

Casey loves hanging out with his sister, who is really his best friend. He also likes to humor his dad and play catch from time to time. He has a natural talent for throwing both the baseball and the football! I try and encourage him so he can buy me a boat and season tickets to Rams games when he is drafted to their team after winning the Heisman trophy. Casey says he would rather work in a zoo and feed the animals.

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