Monday, August 21, 2006

Hello family and friends!

Hello everyone! This weekend we enjoyed a short trip to the beach and some quality time at home. With everyone being so busy with school and work, we have really been enjoying our time off. Kyla and Casey have been doing great at their new schools, and we are very proud of them. For those of you that don't already know, I was just hired to teach first grade at a small 5 classroom annex across from Casey's school. This is a huge blessing for our family and I am really looking forward to the challenge.

Brandon continues to work hard at his job. When he drove home in his crime scene van the other day, he wouldn't let me take a picture, but I did anyway when he left to go back to work, hehe.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Yeah! Thanks for the update! Does Jake like the water? I kind of thought he would be afraid of it! That Brandon is so cool.