Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gearing up...

Well, Brandon picked up his deployment gear from CIF today. It's only a few short weeks away from his trip to the sandbox. Although we aren't looking forward to the separation, the kids decided to have some fun and gear up to see what it would feel like to wear all that poundage. Even empty, this ruck sack nearly pulled Kyla over backwards.

Suiting up.

Some pictures from family game day.


Anonymous said...

that so sucks Misty. Bring the kids and live with us in Las vegas until he gets back. Love ya.

Karen M. said...

Wow I remember those days like it was yesterday when your dad was gearing up for Iraq. I remember so well. The kids look great! Casey looks just like brandon in the gear that seemed surreal! Be strong, trust the Lord to take care of all of you, and He will! I will be there soon! Thank you Brandon for doing this for all of us. We are so proud of you!!!

Ann said...

Although I am grateful that people like Brandon are selfless enough to serve on behalf of the rest of us, I am so sad that he has to go... My thoughts and prayers will be with him and with you through the seaparation. If you need ANYTHING, you let me know. Love you all!