Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kyla!

Well, it finally happened. Our little, baby girl turned into a teenager this past weekend. Kyla is officially 13-years-old. I'm shocked at how quickly time passes us by.
This year, Kyla chose to have a party at the house with friends. She had set in her mind that she only wanted to invite two guests. I tried for weeks to encourage her to invite more people (for fear the two may not show up), but she stuck to her guns! Her two good friends from school were both able to come and spend time with Kyla. It was simple and quiet, just the way Kyla likes it!
Kyla chose to have a Halloween themed costume/movie party.

Kyla was spoiled this year with some wonderful gifts, gift cards, and cash to spend on what she wanted. Thanks so much to everyone that sent her something and everyone that was thinking about her on her special day; she really appreciated it!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

I looks like it was a great party! Kyla, I love your costume!